In Brands

All You Need To Know About UniWigs*

Hi everyone! Long-time no see but let´s be honest, we all enjoy summer and want to take some days off to go to the beach, visit new destinations, and just have fun. For today´s blog, I have a new company to introduce to all of you that reached out to me recently. If you´re like me and play with changing your looks once in a while, you are definitely going to like what I´m about to show you!

Let´s go and meet UniWigs, the best place to get ladies wigs! Their vision is clear, to offer unique hair solutions for everybody, keeping it fashionable and embracing care!


Do you crave having an Ariana´s Grande look? Go and check the ponytail extension options that UniWigs provides. Made with the same wefts of hair, but this time with the wefts facing upward. This allows the wearer to put their hair up into a high ponytail. It´s a great alternative if you want to go for an updo and more sophisticated hairstyles, as it will give you the freedom of creating lots of stunning looks.

Natural Human Hair

Human hair is the best quality of hair you can find since is the type of hair that is directly pulled from humans. There is no other procedure to the hair (chemically or steam-processed or tempered), the fact that makes the hair pure. And of course, when we say 100% natural original hair we mean the kind of hair that hasn't been colored or dyed before. What makes this type of hair top, is the fact that they have a soft texture that gives an even more natural feeling to your look. Get the high-quality real wigs that you have always wanted and enjoy the cheap price offered by UniWigs. 

I can´t miss mentioning their blog section that I´m a dedicated fan as of now. They give you useful tips, mini-tutorials, and all the latest news and promos, all in one place. Make sure to check it out, highly recommended from my side.

What’s your favorite one? Have you tried hair extensions or any hair-related products? Also, make sure to follow me on Instagram @missunderstoodstyle for more.



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