In Personal

What to think on when you miss someone

Don’t count the days. It makes things worse. Instead, recall all these beautiful memories you have made, replay them in your mind, relive them, and maybe this bit of serotonin that is produced in your brain, makes things better and more barrable. Think that one more day is actually one day less, and see the glass half full.

Think, that all these days you spend in front of a calendar, feeling excited each time you erase with red marker one more day, are days from your life, your own life. Cause at the end of the day, you wish to spend more time with that person, but you “waste” time from your life waiting. And time is something that can’t be bought.


“All “bad” things have a good side”

Let’s go to the core of this distance. Why are you apart? The most probable scenario, is that your lives are actually benefiting from that. Let’s take an example, work. John is in London and Lisa is in Rome. They love and miss each other; they are in pain because they are apart but they are both benefiting from professional development. Take time and do a retrospective about yourself. Why are you away from your loved one? What have you gained in other fields of life during this time? Professional development, personal goals, schooling, you name it, but at the end you see that things are not going that bad as it seems.


“You are becoming the best version of yourself”

Have you thought of the benefits this “apart time” has lavished you with? You are making it alone, probably in a foreign country, and you have gained your independence, which perhaps many people of your age still miss. I’m very certain you know you’ve gained a lot, but the beautiful thing here is that probably there is way more for you there to learn. And trust me, when all this will be over for good, and you are with your beloved one without deadlines, you both will be some amazing people.


“You survived, now it’s time to live life”

Time passes fast. After feeling a little better already now, can you take your time and think how have you managed to cope with the entire situation so far? Did you survive? Yes, you’re here. Was it that long? Well, a bit, but you can still keep going. When I got to deal with my first big separation because of personal reasons, the only thing I would pray for was strength. I knew I couldn’t change our lives; I knew I couldn’t intervene so that only I could benefit-that would be so selfish after all, and we don’t want that for a person that we love and care about- and I knew I had to learn to live with it. Lessoned learned here, once you acquire strength, it will be your superpower forever.


And one last thing, know you’re not alone out there. There are other people in the same or even worse situation that you. And there is your loved one, who’s waiting at the other side.

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