Thursday, March 13 2025

In Fashion


There ‘s a lot of stuff that we don’t really use because it’s boring, out of fashion and a lot of times boring! It can consider almost everything from a bracelet to a bag! Well, the best way to avoid those feelings and to start using again your stuff is to change and why not enrich it!

What can I add?

1.Colors, colors, colors: Go to a craft store and buy some fabric paint. This can be one of the best solutions to transform and to create something out of literally nothing. Pick your favorite design or write some verses to a canvas bag.

2.Diamonds are a girls best friend: Ok I’m not telling you to go and put some real diamonds to your T-shirt, but at least you can get from a craft store again gems with all the colors and illustrate your clothing pieces.

3.Loosen up my buttons babe: Yeah…buttons! Probably the easiest thing to find in your home. Take and old shirt get the buttons and let the magic happen! If you want some more color, feel free to use your nail vanishes!

4.Do it yourself: If you are good on making some embroideries, this can turn you into the ultimate fashion diva, now that vintage is back!

5.Like a boss: This can be the hardest thing to do but if you have it, you can do miracles. Sew your own pieces. This can be achieved by just adding some details to the ready stuff or why not making your own special one!

Make and wear those things that represent you and who you are, and not who you want to be. Feel comfortable cause everyone is gonna notice that.

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